But the net effect is likely to be more subtle than that. Perhaps you’ll put up a sturdy gate around your swimming pool or push your real-estate agent to work a little harder. Will the ability to think such thoughts improve your life materially? Probably not. We have essentially tried to figure out what the typical gang member or sumo wrestler figured out on his own (although we had to do so in reverse). This isn’t necessarily a difficult task, nor does it require supersophisticated thinking.

All it requires is a novel way of looking, of discerning, of measuring.

It has to do with thinking sensibly about how people behave in the real world. And now, with all these pages behind us, an early promise has been confirmed: this book indeed has no “unifying theme.” But if there is no unifying theme to Freakonomics, there is at least a common thread running through the everyday application of Freakonomics.